Tuesday, November 29, 2005

hello im turning into a kenny why am i blogging so much . hahaha i hope kenny hasnt died at his odac trip . goign to band camp tmr ahh tired . hopefully fun . hopefully i'll catch saw 2 sneaks . hopefully i'll get a hot water shower . hopefully i dont come back like the living dead again hahaha . like last year . hopefully i'll climb some more gates that are fun to climb .

slept the whole of today away . but had a great lunch (: tandoori chicken and briyani . farrer park restaurants are really good . too lazy to return library bookss ahh the fines are going to kill me . again . today's malcolm was really so funny (: (: hahahahaha . and the bloopers omgosh . that day i saw this photo where malcolm (the actor) was like 4 or 5 and he was so super cute !!

cute right . i want to crop the girl out and put my face haha small boys are so cute . but actually i like dewy the most !! and reese . frankie muniz is abit weird looking now ah . ppl look weird when they grow old . oh noooooo . ahh went shopping ralph lauren style smells nice and guess handbags now looks super cheap omg i think its to do w paris hilton . yeuk . oh i picked out my present already which means i'll get no money this year but i guess its worth it ?? dono . ok don count my chickadees before they hatch

ok everyone have a great week ahead !! ppl going on trips have loads of fun . wendy bessie come back safe and sound ok . zit , HE REALLY LOOKS LIKE YOU . quite cute what i also want a butch looking me (:

Sunday, November 27, 2005


heads up everyonee

woke up bright and early and got an earful for all the junk in the fridge . okay not so bright and early but my bio clock is really so screwed . slept at 4am yawnnnnn . went to church today and bonded withhh nina's brother and cousin hahahaha . leon's so small and cute . i feel so old gosh . everyone's growing up ! today was good . caught abit of jamie's school dinners . i would DIE for that kind of food in rj school canteen i swear . wth those kids have no idea what they've got . rj canteen food is really . erghh . anyway everytime i think rj , i think white dusty and smelly . why the hell is rj so smelly omgosh . ok moving on . haha .

dinner was good ! pacific dory pizza meatballs white wine . and i took a super long nap after that . now i feel even more tired . just bathed (: think i will get rheumatism in old age .

clearing my house now . the thing bout buying so many antiques and having 3 kids issss there is no point . haha and you will nv get rid of all the junk cause everything has meaning to it . but things have gota go ! my dad buys too many antiques my mum keeps every single piece of junk . my house is cluttered to the max and they're deciding what antiques to throw out or give ppl .

time for dessert .

Saturday, November 26, 2005


hahaha sorry there are SO MANY PHOTOS i must celebrate the return of my cam . ANYWAY top right photo is really omg describes us you just look at that you can understand us . hahahah ling is mad as usual .

1. adeline getting her ass pinched for possibly the first time in her life
2. happy ppl
3. brid big eyes charlotte small eyes
4. i love this photo !!
5. batch 2004
6. me & my directs
7. im so short ):
8. sampoorna !
9. ling and linkin park's cap

Thursday, November 24, 2005

wah i really cannot get angry with ppl who have cute teeth . like the j.d's friend in scrubs . his name escapes me now haha . ahh !! but their teeth are so cute omg .

anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy lets not fuss over what we cant change . sigh . we can only move towards making it better ? i can always try back from the beginning i guess . i have a lifetime to spare . hoho .


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

hi all , back from class chalet

quite fun ! got there around three after i got sick of waiting for th rain to stop . then i went there and just stoned around cus there was nothing to do . then we decided to go return the 9 bikes they had so like there were only 6 of us and some ppl had to ride and some ppl wheeled 2 bikes . of course i tried to cycle again hahahaa i always do that even though i cant cycle demmit . and it was raining and so freaking slippery omgosh . then i asked everyone to go first hahaha . and i tried to cycle . so it went well for like 3 metres then i started to shake and of course fell into mud . hahah AND AT THAT EXACT MOMENT . daniel who was holding 2 bikes turned around . wow . then zit who was already gone cycled back and saw me in the mud -_- haha can i pls kill myself . ok la they were very nice and dint laugh at me . zit did actually hmm . ok daniel i know you were resisting hahaha . which reminds me of the time i went cycling with ling they all . omgosh . BAD MEMORIES . everytime i go cyccling i get cuts and bruises ! but nvm quite fun still .

oh then i played lan for the first time ever and we played cs . then at one point when daniel suddenly appeared from no where to shoot zit she screamed so loudly the whole shop stared at us . i tell you me and anyi wanted to die . and the trend was daniel killing of me and zit then anyi killing him hahahaha . until we changed the thing then i just kept getting killed by anyi . ok now i sound like a super sucky gamer . SO I AM NOT BAD OK !! let me quote anyi 'charlotte ! you're quite good leh ! for first timer if you go and train you can join the blablabla next year and singapore blabla bla oh ya you are also very hot and super pretty omgosh and so smart !!!' ok la i added the back part . but the front part is true !! ask zit ! ask anyi ! dont ask daniel -_-

aiya then after that we started oursuper long trek back to the chalet from katong mall hohoho . i need to say this ANYI IS A SUPER CHICKEN GUY omgosh . somehow i felt liek me and zit were protecting him on the walk back ahahah . nvm i shall save him some face and not go into details .

wah yesterday was really VERY COLD . anyway got home pretty late . sorry hk ! thanks anyway ok . yepp .

and this morning omgosh i was dyingggg i kept puking and all it was really bad i thought i was going to die la i swear . haha . but im fine now . and i took home david's bike key and when he called like 9 times i was puking -_- so he had to find his spare key . oh ya i need to say this . DAVID IS MAD . HE CYCLED FROM SIMEI TO EAST COAST AND HE HAS TO CYCLE BACK . NO WONDER THEY CALL HIM WONDER BOY . ok for the north ppl its like from yishun to novena for west its liek boon lay to queenstown . ok im exaggerating abit la . but you get my point

my house is really very super messy and woody . ppl who have been here will know what i mean la . this is really bad for fengshui omgosh . for ppl interested in fengshui , for offices yo ushould put a fountain in the middle of th working area and everyone should face it . and water is always good .

i hate my new ipod . ok i dont hate it but my playlists are currently very confused i liked my old playlist so much more but i cant remember most of it anyway . cant find these songs if you have it mail to me pls
1. so you sailed away - vertical horizon
2. drops of jupiter - train
3. don't look back in anger - oasis
4. lyla - oasis
5. innocent - our lady peace ?? cant rmb
6. jaded - aerosmith

and other oasiss songs . wow such a long entry with no pictures omgosh . to celebrate my camera's return , here's a picture for you

Monday, November 21, 2005

dont think ive ever been so disillusioned with everything i have .
and i really have no idea if it is a matter of luck or more like hardwork .
sometimes you really feel like you've tried so hard but it just always falls short .
& ppl around you just expect you to pick up the pieces of your life that they have smashed anyway .
& while you're trying to just maintain everything they are just nonchalant and demanding anyway so forget it i'm giving up everything ok im throwing everythign back in .
everythings going wrong i dont know where to begin .

maybe its not just their expectations but mine i cant live up to anyway

wishes to fishes wishes to fishes wishes to fishes

silence is easy it just becomes me

Monday, November 07, 2005

hi im alive !!
my family is watching dcj for the ten milliionth time . i really want to kill changjin ALREADY . anyway i only realised in ep. 10983470123 that dcj is actually her name . nvm .

from brid's blog:

gloria says:no we;re not omg u dont know us la
gloria says:we seem like that
gloria says:but we're alll jus insecure pple
gloria says:n deep down they have e most beautiful souls in the world
gloria says:tts why we've stuck tgt all this while

on ppl saying that gabbag was flirt and scandalous .
hahaha ya nvm we understand each other its enough .
actually this year i started thinking that maybe we are too exclusive . not in the sense we're the cool gang or popular cus we're nowhere near there . but in the sense that its just rare that we have social circles outside the clique that can survive for like more than 2 weeks or smth . and slowly all our friendships w other ppl die off . and its really weird how we all know each other so well . and really i reallyreally love gabbag . omg cheesy . but its really amazing to know all of you individually la cus i think if i wasnt part of us i would really hate us . and its so weird that all of us are actually such different people underneath , different from what we portray . so im really honoured and glad i got to know this side of you all . thanks gabbag (: i love you guys

Friday, November 04, 2005

you see , the trick to living happily is to not get emotionally attached to anything or anyone .


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