Monday, November 07, 2005

hi im alive !!
my family is watching dcj for the ten milliionth time . i really want to kill changjin ALREADY . anyway i only realised in ep. 10983470123 that dcj is actually her name . nvm .

from brid's blog:

gloria says:no we;re not omg u dont know us la
gloria says:we seem like that
gloria says:but we're alll jus insecure pple
gloria says:n deep down they have e most beautiful souls in the world
gloria says:tts why we've stuck tgt all this while

on ppl saying that gabbag was flirt and scandalous .
hahaha ya nvm we understand each other its enough .
actually this year i started thinking that maybe we are too exclusive . not in the sense we're the cool gang or popular cus we're nowhere near there . but in the sense that its just rare that we have social circles outside the clique that can survive for like more than 2 weeks or smth . and slowly all our friendships w other ppl die off . and its really weird how we all know each other so well . and really i reallyreally love gabbag . omg cheesy . but its really amazing to know all of you individually la cus i think if i wasnt part of us i would really hate us . and its so weird that all of us are actually such different people underneath , different from what we portray . so im really honoured and glad i got to know this side of you all . thanks gabbag (: i love you guys

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