Sunday, November 27, 2005


heads up everyonee

woke up bright and early and got an earful for all the junk in the fridge . okay not so bright and early but my bio clock is really so screwed . slept at 4am yawnnnnn . went to church today and bonded withhh nina's brother and cousin hahahaha . leon's so small and cute . i feel so old gosh . everyone's growing up ! today was good . caught abit of jamie's school dinners . i would DIE for that kind of food in rj school canteen i swear . wth those kids have no idea what they've got . rj canteen food is really . erghh . anyway everytime i think rj , i think white dusty and smelly . why the hell is rj so smelly omgosh . ok moving on . haha .

dinner was good ! pacific dory pizza meatballs white wine . and i took a super long nap after that . now i feel even more tired . just bathed (: think i will get rheumatism in old age .

clearing my house now . the thing bout buying so many antiques and having 3 kids issss there is no point . haha and you will nv get rid of all the junk cause everything has meaning to it . but things have gota go ! my dad buys too many antiques my mum keeps every single piece of junk . my house is cluttered to the max and they're deciding what antiques to throw out or give ppl .

time for dessert .

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