Tuesday, November 29, 2005

hello im turning into a kenny why am i blogging so much . hahaha i hope kenny hasnt died at his odac trip . goign to band camp tmr ahh tired . hopefully fun . hopefully i'll catch saw 2 sneaks . hopefully i'll get a hot water shower . hopefully i dont come back like the living dead again hahaha . like last year . hopefully i'll climb some more gates that are fun to climb .

slept the whole of today away . but had a great lunch (: tandoori chicken and briyani . farrer park restaurants are really good . too lazy to return library bookss ahh the fines are going to kill me . again . today's malcolm was really so funny (: (: hahahahaha . and the bloopers omgosh . that day i saw this photo where malcolm (the actor) was like 4 or 5 and he was so super cute !!

cute right . i want to crop the girl out and put my face haha small boys are so cute . but actually i like dewy the most !! and reese . frankie muniz is abit weird looking now ah . ppl look weird when they grow old . oh noooooo . ahh went shopping ralph lauren style smells nice and guess handbags now looks super cheap omg i think its to do w paris hilton . yeuk . oh i picked out my present already which means i'll get no money this year but i guess its worth it ?? dono . ok don count my chickadees before they hatch

ok everyone have a great week ahead !! ppl going on trips have loads of fun . wendy bessie come back safe and sound ok . zit , HE REALLY LOOKS LIKE YOU . quite cute what i also want a butch looking me (:

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