Wednesday, August 31, 2005


keee; lets bottle bohemia. [bovinity] says:
keee; lets bottle bohemia. [bovinity] says:
keee; lets bottle bohemia. [bovinity] says:
keee; lets bottle bohemia. [bovinity] says:

actually i lost this convo but kenny gladly volunteered to retype it out again .

Tuesday, August 30, 2005



i realise i havent updated this in veryvery long ahhaah .

you know i think i cannot be content w/o being the best in smth but i can nv be the best in anything . which sucks. i cant even say im the best at being lazy . because im sure there are ppl who are better at it than me . and i cant say i watch the most tv cus my sis wins me hands down . so sad . im one insecure short girl . gah . i wish i was a boy ):

ehh some ppl . don be so disgusting leh ! what happened to you ?!?!! cannot recognise you anymore . so saddening .

anyway alot of things have happened !

1. clique outings dinner:
reallyreally fun and sweet and nice (: one of the best dinners in my life . a date to rmb ! forever . and seeing gloria off too . so sad. gona miss this stupid girl so much ah . not gd not gd . hahaha our convo like two nights back or smth was v funny though ! oh ya stupid gloria if you see this . i couldnt wake up in time for school !! hahaha but i havent woken up on time in one week . ZIT dont get angry hor . hahahah . i will start waking up early . oh see how i have digressed .

2. bandaid
veryy fun ! feel more bonded to the batch now too . not bad not bad . thanks to all the ppl who came though i dint bug you all too hahaha . AND of course flowers and chocs and elmo balloon ppl included (: haaha . thanks all ! of course special mention to bridget my lovely co emcee who BOUGHT ME CHOCOLATE BUBBLE TEA . though there were no pearls. hehe thanks dear !!!! i feel so touchd (: ok la don make this so dramamama .

photos will be up soon soon soon . or you all can just go giantbug and see .
clique ppl who want all the photos email me pls . i got gmail !!! hahaha finally .
i meant sms/msg me then i'll email you w my gmail acct . hahah okay fine im way behind .

hmm can you all see how happy i am . ya im happy la ok happy HAPPY . pangsai .
kbox tmr !

some ppl . i dono what to do hai .

oh ! i nv see any guy cry before . do guys cry ? do they look like girls when they cry . so weird . i nv ever see my dad cry before . ever . hmm . i don think i've seen my sis cry before too . but anyway today i saw sylvester cry on tv wah why so weird one . hmm . haha


ok la don pangsai around and waste time

SUVIEN I MISS YOU OK . call me baby . ahaha hahahaha . crazy . you v funny . yr mood swing is like crazy in that one entry lol .


Sunday, August 21, 2005


gross convo me and ching were having

ching : eh ben askd me to do it with him leh .
char : oh so you really want to do ah . with him ?
ching : glen also asked me
ching : but glen is a bit u*****
char : it deosnt matter what ! i hope dan wants to do it .
ching : it matters for the other ppl what
char : acutally if dan don want to do . i hope anyi will do w me . i don really want to do w other ppl .
ching : first time leh .
char : ya . dono fun anot .
ching : should be
char : must be enthu . if not wont be fun .

ok maybe i made some parts up
but there was more . i cant really rmb already

we were talking


Wednesday, August 17, 2005



ching look at yr classmate .

keee; - my life is brilliant. my love is pure. says:
ares lite is a p2p program
no longer okay , baby says:
you sound like a promoter
keee; - my life is brilliant. my love is pure. says:
u want to dl southpark?
no longer okay , baby says:
keee; - my life is brilliant. my love is pure. says:
Ares Lite is a P2P program which allows the endorsement of mass-multi-file-sharing. Its interface is clean, sleek, and simple, with no extra pop up adverds or spybots to irritate your day!
keee; - my life is brilliant. my love is pure. says:
So come on down and grab an ares lite these days!
no longer okay , baby says:
no longer okay , baby says:
eh you are damn funny
keee; - my life is brilliant. my love is pure. says:
we're also giving out free bra cup earphones! WHILE STOCKS LAST OKAY!
keee; - my life is brilliant. my love is pure. says:
(comes in pink and lacy, or purple and lacy only)

Monday, August 15, 2005

argh shitshitshitshitshit
i don want to go school again tmr
cus its tues .
but if i don go tmr
it'll be the fifth tues in a row .
which is obviously not a good idea . ARGH

what i really need right now is to be focused . on one thing . whatever it is . but i'll figure it out soon enough .

some ppl who used to matter to me really dont matter to me anymore . i guess this works both ways too . i guess this doesnt warrant any explanation . things don work out , move on im not going to bother anymore and let things they say get to me or hurt me . there's more to life than this . live big / go home .

im not gona let all the small stuff accumulate . there's no time for that

btw you're really insensitive .

okay let me lighten up this entry . haha .

admit it . bosco is the best . hahaha . gloria stop sniggering .

Friday, August 12, 2005

i think everyone around me talks the same hahaha . i can picture bessie saying the bottom to me too . esp the bolded part . anyway anydream will do is me and charmaine is my sister .

any dream will do says:
anyway from nw every sunday
any dream will do says:
im going out to exercise
any dream will do says:
charmaine says:
seriously seriously
any dream will do says:
this sunday im going to play badminton
charmaine says:
any dream will do says:
charmaine says:
any dream will do says:
slap you
any dream will do says:
any dream will do says:
charmaine says:
my shit's coming out of my ass
charmaine says:
coz i'mlaffing so hard!
charmaine says:
any dream will do says:
i need to save that .
charmaine says:
to prepare for ur saf merit scholarship?
charmaine says:
charmaine says:
save for wat?
any dream will do says:
laugh at me . when i complete my bmt we see who's laughing
charmaine says:
me lor
charmaine says:
charmaine says:
i'm positive u'll die in there
charmaine says:
u'll pretend to drown!
charmaine says:

eh ! i just realised you can post comments here . and my friends have commented ! hahaha how come i don notice such things -_-

jing : i want ! better talk to me soon . okay ? okay .

zit : go and die -_- PRANK ME SOMEMORE

gloria : hhahaha eh . im pretty too OKAYOKAY . haha someone top 5 in rj and great 4 (sounds so stupid) in scgs very happy ah . hahaaha


things i want !

today we saw this guy singing and he has a REALLYREALLYREALLY good voice . okay maybe not that good la . but still . oh dear . doesnt everyone love talent ): hai ! i'll nv be like that . so next best is to like a very talented guy . hahaha . mraz wait for me !!!


oh what a beauty . i want the pink one ): ):


actually ralph lauren style will be better . aiya .


i've never seen such nice jeans before . omgosh . AHH . but i got no money . and no legs ): hahaha i mean no legs to carry them off well . okay nvm . when i grow older i will go for leg lengthening surgery . hahaha and buy the willy wonka elongating machine .

oh i also want shoes . but too lazy to go surf online see where got nice shoes .
i need more shirts ! okay . but no money .

okay last thing i want

5. for gloria to stay in singapore and suvien to come back .

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

it took so long to finally get into my blog i dont feel like blogging already

past two happening days were cancelled ! this morning bessie dint even wake up hahahah
i have no idea why she's always so uncontactable . she might as well not have a house phone haha .

just came back from watchign wedding crashers with ching and having dinner . OH SO FULL
its not that nice to eat la . but not bad (: very filling !!
i feel like thos inflatable dolls now .

happy belated birthday singapore !!
too bad i couldnt go watch fireworks ):

haha i have photos of ling looking v ugly . post in due time .

meanwhile , leave you guys with this !

Monday, August 08, 2005


why i LOVE being in the same class as zit and daniel -_-

Daniel says:oh yes
Daniel says:forgot to tell u
Daniel says:zit and i arranged a lunch date with tys for you
Daniel says:on the facade that its a classs farewell lunch
Daniel says:hahaha
Daniel says:remember ah
Daniel says:dont forgoet
Daniel says:forget
Daniel says:swensens, j8, september 2nd
Daniel says:after school
they tell me your passion's gone away , says:WHAT? !?!?!!
they tell me your passion's gone away , says:OMG
they tell me your passion's gone away , says:ARE YOU SERIOUS
they tell me your passion's gone away , says:i am going to slap you all
Daniel says:nono im kiddingD
aniel says:of course serious la
Daniel says:but we didnt tell anyone else
Daniel says:hahaha

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


below shows the fattest day of my life .

while gloria is trying to rmb her pw and convincing her self she's been hacked , i shall post more of the ugly pictures . aiya not like ppl havent seen ugly photos of me . i mean . look at the yr book !!! :( hahaha

berrie me gloria

gloria wendy brid me . look at the size of my neck . oh dear .

okay . it really goes downhill from here . REALLY . ppl who dont want to go blind don scroll down . actually everyone in the photos look good excetp me . hahah AHH .

hahahah okay no explanation needed . oh look at lings face . ahahahahaha .



hahaha while tech unsavvy gloria is doing giant bug , let me show some pictures !!

okay ! this is the only clique photo where i look like a human and not a pig so its the only one going up . hahahaha . so cool right ! we're in the lift (:

okay maybe one more

my husband . okay no more ! the rest very ugly . hahahah .

heloo !!


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