Wednesday, August 03, 2005


below shows the fattest day of my life .

while gloria is trying to rmb her pw and convincing her self she's been hacked , i shall post more of the ugly pictures . aiya not like ppl havent seen ugly photos of me . i mean . look at the yr book !!! :( hahaha

berrie me gloria

gloria wendy brid me . look at the size of my neck . oh dear .

okay . it really goes downhill from here . REALLY . ppl who dont want to go blind don scroll down . actually everyone in the photos look good excetp me . hahah AHH .

hahahah okay no explanation needed . oh look at lings face . ahahahahaha .

haloo crashing yr blogwarming party u dont want ur 2 minutes anymore ah so sad ):
so embarassing now u know ive been reading your blog. but anyway HARHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH BCG MONTROSITY AHAHHAHhahahahhahr i love that blob
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