Friday, August 12, 2005


things i want !

today we saw this guy singing and he has a REALLYREALLYREALLY good voice . okay maybe not that good la . but still . oh dear . doesnt everyone love talent ): hai ! i'll nv be like that . so next best is to like a very talented guy . hahaha . mraz wait for me !!!


oh what a beauty . i want the pink one ): ):


actually ralph lauren style will be better . aiya .


i've never seen such nice jeans before . omgosh . AHH . but i got no money . and no legs ): hahaha i mean no legs to carry them off well . okay nvm . when i grow older i will go for leg lengthening surgery . hahaha and buy the willy wonka elongating machine .

oh i also want shoes . but too lazy to go surf online see where got nice shoes .
i need more shirts ! okay . but no money .

okay last thing i want

5. for gloria to stay in singapore and suvien to come back .

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