Tuesday, August 30, 2005



i realise i havent updated this in veryvery long ahhaah .

you know i think i cannot be content w/o being the best in smth but i can nv be the best in anything . which sucks. i cant even say im the best at being lazy . because im sure there are ppl who are better at it than me . and i cant say i watch the most tv cus my sis wins me hands down . so sad . im one insecure short girl . gah . i wish i was a boy ):

ehh some ppl . don be so disgusting leh ! what happened to you ?!?!! cannot recognise you anymore . so saddening .

anyway alot of things have happened !

1. clique outings dinner:
reallyreally fun and sweet and nice (: one of the best dinners in my life . a date to rmb ! forever . and seeing gloria off too . so sad. gona miss this stupid girl so much ah . not gd not gd . hahaha our convo like two nights back or smth was v funny though ! oh ya stupid gloria if you see this . i couldnt wake up in time for school !! hahaha but i havent woken up on time in one week . ZIT dont get angry hor . hahahah . i will start waking up early . oh see how i have digressed .

2. bandaid
veryy fun ! feel more bonded to the batch now too . not bad not bad . thanks to all the ppl who came though i dint bug you all too hahaha . AND of course flowers and chocs and elmo balloon ppl included (: haaha . thanks all ! of course special mention to bridget my lovely co emcee who BOUGHT ME CHOCOLATE BUBBLE TEA . though there were no pearls. hehe thanks dear !!!! i feel so touchd (: ok la don make this so dramamama .

photos will be up soon soon soon . or you all can just go giantbug and see .
clique ppl who want all the photos email me pls . i got gmail !!! hahaha finally .
i meant sms/msg me then i'll email you w my gmail acct . hahah okay fine im way behind .

hmm can you all see how happy i am . ya im happy la ok happy HAPPY . pangsai .
kbox tmr !

some ppl . i dono what to do hai .

oh ! i nv see any guy cry before . do guys cry ? do they look like girls when they cry . so weird . i nv ever see my dad cry before . ever . hmm . i don think i've seen my sis cry before too . but anyway today i saw sylvester cry on tv wah why so weird one . hmm . haha


ok la don pangsai around and waste time

SUVIEN I MISS YOU OK . call me baby . ahaha hahahaha . crazy . you v funny . yr mood swing is like crazy in that one entry lol .


hi!!! i is your fervent fan and ardent reader!!
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