Wednesday, May 31, 2006



someone come save me pls
i am really fuckingg stressed and busy

from now till next fri i have to
1. study for sats
2. prac for concert
3. start and complete the banner
4. make the cds

and i have sats on saturday and camp from tues-thurs
and fri is atempo

well , i am so screwed ):

maybe i'm jsut an old person stuck in a small person's body

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


happy second !

gp paper today was okay !
hope i dont do that badly
but i think everyoneee did the media question
i should have done the question on old ppl

anyway watchd over the hedge
and i think its really SUPER CUTE AND SUPER NICE
everyone should go watch (: (:
really liked it alot !!
and hammy is really very cute
he's this small super skinny brown thing and he's super hyperactive ..
hmm sounds like somebody hhaha


Friday, May 19, 2006



so go ahead with yr new life
i suspect some friendships are broken


my happy bubble

can you all spot the smiley on the bubble ?
been feelign stressed lately but everytime i look at it i feel strangely happy
ah life (:

anyway after coming home from sch today
went shopping w my sis in town
this is like a once a yr thing when she is in a gd walking mood
cus when i shop im abit crazy and i don like to rest
or talk hmm
haha anyway walked from like 4 till all the shops closed ..
should have left home early ..
well despite the sales didnt buy much
bought a top and moto denim skirt and pouch and mints from top shop
but i ate hell alotttt
really alot alot alot
nvm if i become really fat
i'll move to america then i'll look small again
haha !

ok very tired
then at 9 we insisted on getting manicures
cus we were in the mood
so we went around hunting for a place
but all were full or closing
and we were v persistent and walked everywhere in search of the elusive midnight manicurist dedumdedumdedum
okay i am crazy
in the end we gave up and cabbed home

anyway notice the diff between the stuff me and my sis buy
obviously i am cute and she is neurotic (:

Thursday, May 18, 2006

went to watch davincicode with cheeky today
not bad very exciting
but i felt it didnt really do justice to the book
i guess with this kind of puzzle solving shows
you need loads of details and explanations
but generally worth it !!

after that went to eat din tai fung for dinner
hohoho first time he eat chinese food
so to commemorate this joyous occasion

ok i am joking its not his first time eating chinese food la


Wednesday, May 17, 2006



think im paranoid and always over reacting .
whatever ..
you better not do a j on me

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

went back to rg today to promoto atempoxvii
somehow everything just brought back memories
of gabbag
and sec 4 stuff
and rgssb
and i realise i really miss rg band alot
i miss my batchmates ..
but everythings changed
and everyone has moved on
and i was just a kid back then
reminiscing and feeling nostalgic is dangerous
and immature
so its time to grow up and move on hmm

slipping away ):

Sunday, May 14, 2006



love me love me
say that you love me
fool me fool me go on and fool me
love me love me
i know that you need me
i can't care about anything but you

Saturday, May 13, 2006

hello all !
i just came home from a mini adventure
after non existent band prac
we ran through the rain to go to the bus stop to eat at prata place
where i got possessed by bessie and ate like crazy
and picked at all the bones
then we walked all over sin ming in search of peanut paste
which didnt exist -_-
so we decided to take bus to far east to eat dessert but when we reached rtc bus stop
we had to get off cus we told an in**** story and there was an in**** sitting next to ling
then we rmbed island creamery and took bus there to eat again
and at island creamery there's this super nice wall of photos
and everybody looks cute in the photos
then we saw this :


aiya then we foudn a toy shop where i bought the bubble balloon thing which is omg super fun
and me and ching made little mr elmo and left him in the bus
then i tried a new bus route home and took like 1 and 1/2 hours
and i smell abit funny now
but cannot tell you all why

anyway on the bus i realised smth
i am really super omgosh lazy
the only thing me and my friends ever do
when we go each other's houses
is to eat watch tv and sleep
really without fail
no matter whose house
especially ling's and pvc's the only thing i do is watch tv and sleep
actually when my friends come my hosue we also only watch reruns and sleep
and also i need to learn how to make small talk with parents
instead of really awkward conversation
or i try to act friendly and say hello and wave v widely then they give me weird stare
but what kind of convo to make
so weird
talk about their children ah
hello auntie you know yr daughter likes to eat alot in school
hello aunti why you so fair yr son so black
hello auntie yr daughter like to call ppl cheebye in school

okay i tlkaing alot
and v incoherently
aiya my blog is guai tai la
i go bathe BYE

Sunday, May 07, 2006

after i painstakingly set up a new comp life on my new comp
the wireless connection keeps dying on me
wth the old one is still the best


eh the blower's daughter is reallly super nice
omg stuck on it
and sky is falling- lifehouse is also damn nice

eh i scared of blood test

okay la no blogging mojo man
next time show you all the story behind my new hair


Thursday, May 04, 2006


difference between me and bridget

my desktop wallpaper

brid's desktop wallpaper
(its not on purpose by the way -_-)

pls feel free to click to enlarge


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