Saturday, May 13, 2006

hello all !
i just came home from a mini adventure
after non existent band prac
we ran through the rain to go to the bus stop to eat at prata place
where i got possessed by bessie and ate like crazy
and picked at all the bones
then we walked all over sin ming in search of peanut paste
which didnt exist -_-
so we decided to take bus to far east to eat dessert but when we reached rtc bus stop
we had to get off cus we told an in**** story and there was an in**** sitting next to ling
then we rmbed island creamery and took bus there to eat again
and at island creamery there's this super nice wall of photos
and everybody looks cute in the photos
then we saw this :


aiya then we foudn a toy shop where i bought the bubble balloon thing which is omg super fun
and me and ching made little mr elmo and left him in the bus
then i tried a new bus route home and took like 1 and 1/2 hours
and i smell abit funny now
but cannot tell you all why

anyway on the bus i realised smth
i am really super omgosh lazy
the only thing me and my friends ever do
when we go each other's houses
is to eat watch tv and sleep
really without fail
no matter whose house
especially ling's and pvc's the only thing i do is watch tv and sleep
actually when my friends come my hosue we also only watch reruns and sleep
and also i need to learn how to make small talk with parents
instead of really awkward conversation
or i try to act friendly and say hello and wave v widely then they give me weird stare
but what kind of convo to make
so weird
talk about their children ah
hello auntie you know yr daughter likes to eat alot in school
hello aunti why you so fair yr son so black
hello auntie yr daughter like to call ppl cheebye in school

okay i tlkaing alot
and v incoherently
aiya my blog is guai tai la
i go bathe BYE

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