Friday, May 19, 2006

anyway after coming home from sch today
went shopping w my sis in town
this is like a once a yr thing when she is in a gd walking mood
cus when i shop im abit crazy and i don like to rest
or talk hmm
haha anyway walked from like 4 till all the shops closed ..
should have left home early ..
well despite the sales didnt buy much
bought a top and moto denim skirt and pouch and mints from top shop
but i ate hell alotttt
really alot alot alot
nvm if i become really fat
i'll move to america then i'll look small again
haha !

ok very tired
then at 9 we insisted on getting manicures
cus we were in the mood
so we went around hunting for a place
but all were full or closing
and we were v persistent and walked everywhere in search of the elusive midnight manicurist dedumdedumdedum
okay i am crazy
in the end we gave up and cabbed home

anyway notice the diff between the stuff me and my sis buy
obviously i am cute and she is neurotic (:

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