Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Was lying in bed when I suddenly felt the urge to blog about how I'm feeling now. Crawled out of bed, dragged the lappie back into bed, switched it on and after about fifteen minutes here I am. Funny how I can't find the words now then.

Pardon me if this entry borders on being extremely depressed. I can't decide if I'm more depressed or confused or tired.

Today I returned my favourite necklace. I regretted it immediately after, but what's done cannot be undone (my pride won't allow it to be undone at least). The worst part is I know I'll never ever be able to find one that is exactly the same. Or one that came with the same intentions. I really loved that necklace. It probably doesnt match any of my clothes but I wore it everywhere with everything anyway. ): Back to the point, I returned it, hopped off the car, crawled back into my room and stood by the window staring down. Could barely see anything anyway, and I have no idea what I was actually expecting out of it. haha. Stepped away to close the door and when I turned back I saw it turning out of the parking lot, and my heart really sank.

Moped around the house abit, made plans (that will most likely fall through) for tmr, and then tried to read abit of Murakami. Which, obviously is not good reading for days like these since his main characters are always a) depressed b) mentally traumatised c) antisocial d) devoid of emotion or unable to express emotions e) all of the above. (obviously generalising la. Don't get litty on me) Thought of a million hurtful things to say, then vented my anger by sweeping and washing. Which is just as well cause I wouldn't have meant any of the things I would have said.

This entry is so out of place.

Sometimes you just have to let go of some things as much as you don't want to.

Now that I'm awake, I don't know what to do. Why doesn't anyone share my sleeping habits ):

Wah my blog is turning into emo blog. I shall lighten it up tmr by posting gobbler photos of ching.

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