Friday, August 24, 2007

its funny how everyone is acting happy now but u can see right through them .

been dyinggg to watch some new movies ! will go and rent some later and maybe go to the movies sometime soon . school's been tiring , and im really going through a rough patch here . i think everyone is so sometimes i try to be understanding . but i'm really just a spoilt girl and my tantrums get the better of me .. sorry ming .

does anyone watch solitary on ch 5 ? i think its on sundays at around 11 pm . its really freakyy . they trap these ppl in single rooms and put them through ridiculous treatments . some guy started going a teeny bit crazy and begged to leave . haha see what being alone does to you :x

anyway to everyone going overseas , have fun and enjoy yrself cause time will pass by reall quickly then you'll have to suffer being back here (hahaha ) i sound so pessimistic .

alright have a great weekend

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