Friday, April 20, 2007

Finally managed to sign in to my account after miraculously remembering my username and password. Must be aging. Hmmm

I need to get one of those really mundane, stab yourself in the thigh kind of jobs just for the money. And I really need to buy a Nintendo DS!! Really nothing better to do nowadays ): Waiting for the ten minute call a day where I just want to be a bitch is not very good for my mental health.

Anyway feeling kind of scared after realising that about 19203847012938 people are going for Med interviews. Sigh. Well if it's mine it's mine. If not just forget about it. I can be a Tai Tai next time lah. Its okay (: Haha.

My sis and I have taken a weird interest to the Virginia Tech shootings. We were viewing the MSNBC coverage, including the video and pictures posted to them by Cho which led to a mini argument over whether the media is actually glorifying him just like he wanted to. For me, I guess it's just human nature. If there's money to be earned, sad to say, I would probably do it to. It's a matter of who does it first to me acutally. On one hand you have the dilemma of the sensitivity of airing the footage. But if you don't air it first you're not going to be able to sell it to the other news agents. And if you actually wait for the FBI to realise the info, nobody is going to pay to get it from you anymore right.

My goodness. I'm an old woman now. I want to go back to JC. SIGH.

My mum just said "Eh dress up like Ugly Betty and stand to win prizes over $3000" and flashed a smile at me. -_- No no no.

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