Saturday, March 11, 2006

omggggg im watching last ep of friends on star world again so exciting ross is going to chase after rachel !!!!

okay crazy

play 2006 is finally over and goneee

thursday was supersupersupersupersuper fun
thanks everyone who came !
most importantly
zit bessie anyi dan kenny david
my classmates clara jorina and whoever else !
brid's classmates who gave me stuff tooo
whoever else i forgot to mention ,
m ... m .... m ....
(: (: (:
hahahaha . i shy to say
oh yuck yuck .
thank you everybody !!!
it was really veryvery fun for me and brid too making our v lame jokes
music wasnt that good
but it was the bestttt
reallyreally good memories
and walking to ri after the concert ..
okay you get the point thurs was great

friday was ..
lets pretend it nv existed ..
bad day
bad day
and reallyy ahh
dono what to say
during interval recieved a really hurting sms
evolved from anger to hurt and now i dont care anymore
so thank you dear friend whose identity i will not disclose ...
thank you dear ac band friend
for sending me that sms
and making
me & brid feel like idiots ..
so anyway we cancelled all our jokes out for after the interval .
and the mood was really downhill after that
couldnt concentrate on my pieces too and
ahh . who cares la . lets pretend friday nv existed
anyway im not sad already . i stopped being sad after we took photos with tan g@n h_up hehehehehehe !!
and we took alot of photos toooo
oh thanks everybody who came on friday
and my juniors if they're reading this
yea thanks for everything !

shall load them later ..

so anyway
thanks everyone for the memories
good / bad
thurs was great
friday was hmmm
muamuamua everybodyyy

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