Sunday, February 19, 2006

my mind's a blank nowww
i previously thought of alot of things to say
but i cant rmb them anymore
i think its the lack of good sleep
seeing how i cant sleep well anymore

anyway i think i jinxed it already
gd job .

i think i was right
and nth is worth it ..

is this very cryptic ?
i guess so
maybe i've stopped learning to trust
im turning into an old man i swear

i really ahte this whole situation
i dont think i've seen so many backstabbers
gosippers and fakers
and liars
in my entire life .
and they are all congregated tgth . i'm sure you all know what im talking about ..

cheer up kiddos
nobody can be worth this much pain and hurt
the only one worth it
is up there already waiting for you .

hai what am italking bout ???
i have no idea
hahaha i need to heed my own advice sometimes .

this has been a lazy and long weekend

tired & bruised . thoroughly

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