Friday, January 13, 2006


rainy nights

past 2 days been not bad hmmm
met up w suvi and gerrard yest and ate a whole lot
at sushi tei
then dessert at spageddies
then waiting for a cab
while it was pouring
and we waited and waited till it was almost 1030
close to an hour
and suvi came out w her sis from paragon
and then got home pretty late
but it was fun (:
good times good times

i think when i wear my specs i go abit crazy
and hyper
and we play really stupid games
let me type the lyrics of the song
that only i want to sing
and daniel taught
eh wait forget it ijust rmbed the song
is mother long .

i think i think things through very clearly in my mind
when im alone
or when its raining
and i always somehow come to a decision
which im very happy about
but i'll forget all bout other human beings
and forget they're human too
and casually ignore human nature in my plans
i'll get a reality check
and get pulled back out of my dreamer state
and come to my senses .
does this make sense ? not really ?
well it makes sense in my mind now
at least .

loveee the weather

and how can life be bad
when ppl send tau huay
and egg tarts
and soy bean
to yr house
at 11 pm
even if it wasnt really intended to pls you
but anyhow it was still for me
wow i'm quite weird today

things are gona be fine .
some day
we've just got to trust this

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