Sunday, January 15, 2006

i think this warrants a new entry

while trying to protect my friends
lost sight of everything
cant even rmb where the anger came from
of course im not taking all the blame here
you can forgive but you wont forget
and i think we should stop playing the game of throwing the blame
cus you have this uncanny way
of dumping all the blame to everyone else in the most uncanny way
i dont see the pt anymore
in hurting ppl who hurt you back
cus we're just generating all this shit bad karma
i dont think we'll be friends again
after all this shit
i nv wanted to get involved
thats why i still maintained being friendly
but naturally i wanted to protect the ones
who were there for me all along
who i know i can trust
really starting to hate who i'm becoming
in all of this
and how i'm behaving
turning into someone else
do i make sense ?
doesnt matter
i think its time to let go of everything
staying away is always good
& there's a limit to everything

pardon my incoherence i don think im making much sense today
i think its gona be a long week ahead

so shit everything now
i need this week to recover
and find myself again

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