Thursday, December 15, 2005


until all is lost into the beauty of the night *

okay time to do the 5 random things thing . if i got tagged by 2 ppl do i have to do 25 times ? or 10 times ? or 5 times ? ahh nvm . i shall be lazy .

1. when i concentrate on smth i tend to stare at it from the corner of my eye .
2. i use my special set of cutlery at home and i dont like my family touching it
3. my parents speak reallyreally sparse chinese that sounds weird but my chinese is good ! (:
4. i like holding hands w ppl when i sleep
5. when i get marks on my skin from leaning against an edge for too long i like to try and split it so it becomes a cut .

wah i really started running out of things to say at no. 3 hahahah .
christmas is coming .. i feel empty .

perhaps love was good ! company was even better (:
i loved the ending . and how the only person who came out happy was the one who nv really loved and thus could let go much more easily . show is pretty realistic actually . and super sad ): feel abit like watching it again .

christmas is the time to watch love actually ..

i think im essentially a selfish person . my reso for 2006 is to be a better person for ppl around me and myself .. sweeter , kinder , whatever i think makes a good person . and of course happier too ! (:

its not blood red its nj tie red .
nj tie is really RED .

i can i will i must improve myself in all aspects . be it in terms of r/s w family and friends , studies , band , personal improvement , whatever it is . this is a promise i make to myself (:
usual pinky finger thing included .

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