Monday, December 05, 2005


happy birthday to me !
long story cut short ,

thanks :
GABBAG , VIV , SUV , everyone who msged me and sent well wishes and everything !! every single one thank you (: (:
got alot of ppl to thank la
brid : thanks for the shirt and flower !!
ling ching : thanks for the informative book hahaha . WHY MEN HAVE NIPPLES
brid ling ching : saturday ! thanks (:
viv : thanks for today !! wildwildwet is really super fun !! thank youuuuu sosososo much (:
kiat hk : super nice bday card hor xiexie (: (: but why does it say colourful sounds like im gay . dont expose my secret leh hoho .
family : everythign
zit ching : coming to surprise me !!! with operation kenny but failing so super ly hahahaha . thansk still !!

ok i sound really too happy in this entry already . i need to stop before i sound mad . hahaha bye ppl .

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