Thursday, October 20, 2005

hello i am back hahaha

ok im only blogging cus zit is reallyreallyreally gross on her blog
i hope amanda finds the blog and scolds you . HAH
happy birthday daniel lim may you please grow up soon . and this one i must agree w zit . birthday luck !! congrats congrats and can you pls answer yr phone demmit i don belive you sleep so early .

ahhhh i dono if zit is going to sch tmr . i don think i'll go la . im too tired after reading all the scary crimelibrary things can . argh .

AND ZIT WANG . STOP IT W BANANA AND HIS BANANA . haha . hahaha. hahah . and go help me steal the photo .

aiya sucky week go and die quickly go away quickly go away .
i like thailand (: don mind relocating there . i can say all the train station names in thai hahahaha . sanam paooo and saphan kwaiiii

hello gabbag i know you all said don buy food but im sorry i bought food . hahah . it is food or the sucky bookmarks that everyone had since p school ok . and i finished all the dunkin donuts already . TOO BAD (: hehehe . sry bridget i bet you want . and pls ppl don ever buy stuff from hula and co again . they cheat money .

my sis has renamed all my songs to weird things likelikelike 'weird jap song that sounds quite nice ' . and the song is korean can -_- hohoho .

EH I GOT SAY BUY FOOD WHAT! but where is the food ):
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