Saturday, June 17, 2006



i realised alot of my posts titles are sad faces so here's a happy face !

its been a fulfilling and draining june hols
and now its the last week and finally time to study ... sigh

anyway did alot alot of things this june hols
1. SATs
2. cip camp at swiss cottage
3. atempo xvii
4. give kids at bedok south sec tuition

it has been a really tiring holiday but i feel very happy that i did so much things (:
and ya this has been one of the best hols i've had ever

atempo was great
but i dont think its sunk in that i have left band finally
well it didnt until i went for muse , the acjc band concert
and then i was looking at the acsi recruit band play
and laughing at them when i realised that
its actually been 6 yrs givea nd take since i first played
feels abit sad to let go of such a big part of me
but i guess i only miss rgssb and not rj band
nonetheless , rj band has given me alot of good memories , and some good friends too ..
i guess there are alot of thigns i could have done differently
and nobody really knows what went wrong and how our batch became so segregated after our enthusiasm in first 3 months
but things happen and they happen for a reason
i definitely will miss making music
and my piccolo and flute
cause i doubt i'll play again after this ..
band has been a huge part of my life and whatever it is i'm still thankful to rjcsb for everything its taught me ..
okay i dont really know what to say
this is starting to sound too serious and sad and it started off with a smiley face sheesh
whatever it is , i had alot of fun at atempoxvii so thanks everyone who made it possible (:
if any band person is reading this and wants cds can come and get from me cus i still have extras ..

actually i have alot of insights after doing all my cips
but i'm lazy la and if you all want to hear me rant you all can just ask me
but seriously ah
ok that has been said on gabbag blog liek 10298347 times
and they keep teasing me for saying hello all the time hhahaa

eh oh ya

what else to say
nothing la

i'm trying to find this present and i cant find it
and im getting v du lan

okay such a wordy post
let me leave with some of vipul's artwork
stupid vipul made me indian hahahaha


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