Saturday, April 29, 2006

i got confession
i really bloody cannot stand b***
and some ppl in b***
hello you think i like doing work for you is it
and you think you v responsible huh
im only doing this cus i have to
but i still put in alot of effort
and i spent alot of time on all this rubbish
so if you don appreciate
pls show me that you have done smth too

and don worry i will follow through and complete what i started >:/

i hope when i grow up i really work doing smth i like
not like now
i will die die die die die

Thursday, April 27, 2006

when life is okay there is nothing to blog about

so lets hope i dont blog for v long

been in a v irritable mood lately
dono why
so irritating

but nvm
v happy today
somebody wasted alot of his time
doing my things

okay bye all

Sunday, April 09, 2006



lonely soul

i need to take another walk

hello all !
exciting day yest
sososo super tired now
and feeling very sick ;'(
conked out at like 10 while trying to watch wimbledon ( the movie la pls )
and slept all the way till 8 this morn then went back to sleep and slept till 11
wah im a pig
think i'm very sick now
spent friday night dying of stomach pains
then woke up with my eyes swollen
and sore throat
and just super tireddd
and my stomach ahh erghhh .
my left eye is still swollen
and its super painful
and i dono what to do
shall just wear specs next week then see how

anyway yest was opening ceremony !
quite boring really
we got upgraded to the parade square though so we got
err free newater which i threw away cus my bag was so bloody heavy
and the cd
but who cares la
ling was very cool
and i was still dying of my stomachache
then after that walked ora abit and went to j8 to eat
after waiting around and stoning for very long
i think everyone was in quite a bad mood hmmm

after lunch i began my long trek to bukit gombak to watch m's pole vault comp
bg is dono how far away from bishan i almsot died on the way there
then when i reached there i saw like 19823740923 sporty ppl
and i got tired walking from the mrt station into the stadium
hello im sorry i'm very not sporty
then i was loser for 3 hours sitting there doing nothing and trying to pretend i was part of the malay family sitting next to me
hahahaha !!
aiya i am complaining alot
but i a ctually found it quite fun
and funny of course
then when liching called i really wah loser until
then all the boyboys behind me thought i was mad
it was quite interesting really in the end i dint even read any of the 1092384 things i brought
to entertain myself
hehe .
and m is champion so its all worth it
actually even if he's not champion also worth it la
shen jing already
after that went to his house in yck to dump his bag before going for dinner at amk then coming home to tampines .
actually not dump his bag
dump is the wrong adjective
mr neat freak unpacked his bag entirely hahaha
how exciting i travelled around singapore
like raffles trail
fun games and prizes !!
okay i am mad already
i think its cus im in a bad mood
cus my dad is in a bad mood
so i cannot go church
feeling veryveryvery frustrated and heaty right now

eh what a boring entry ..
so let me leave you with a photo

i drew this on with liquid paper
cool right
i think its a very good imitation hahaha
okay the photo is abit blur hmm

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

ahh forgot to say

and funny
and i dont mean to laugh
but hello
what a bunch of weirdos
and i was meaning to return yr sms
but after the call
and all the smses
my bill this month ah
anyway i want to say
ignore the botak head la
my advice sucks ! hahaha pls don ever heed it
i shall learn from chandler
and never meddle

eh so sad
ada choi cannot rmb zili ;'(
who ask him hide the relationship
ask for it
actaully i cant rmb how she rmbs him later in the show
but i think it has smth to do with her buying matching handphones ??
or smth
ahhh somebody pls enlighten me !!
wah wah im tv addict

i just got caught in the rain
again !!!
nvm i still love the rain .

everyday there is gathering at my house to watch chuang shi ji
hahaha what is this

aiyooo i'm getting too sticky already

time to die trying to read biotech
and tmr must do gp essay

Monday, April 03, 2006

quite moody today
not feeling v happy

but i feel alot of love for gabbag
i dono why also
maybe cause i skippd chem lect to talk to gloria for half an hour
haha yay (:

somebody come save me plsssss
dying dying
bored and lonely ;'(

lazy to go back to studying hmm
shall self entertain

Sunday, April 02, 2006


i cut my hair !
i hope nobody says i look like a clown again >:/

Saturday, April 01, 2006


feeling v happy today


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